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Welcome to Robb's Genealogy Books. I will be including mostly books about the Knapp and Wesala families, however I will also be adding books about other families and genealogy in general.

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Anderson, Robert Charles: The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, 1995.
Probably the most current and reliable source of information relating to Nicholas Knapp and his descendents are the condensed bibliographical sketches on families who arrived in America between 1620 and 1633 contained in this book.
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Winthrop Fleet of 1630 Banks, Charles E.: The Winthrop Fleet of 1630: An Account of the Vessels, the Voyage, the....
Surnames mentioned in the index: Abell, Adams, Agar, Alcock, Allen, Andrews, Aspinwall, Ayre, Banks, Barker, Barnardiston, Beauchamp, Bendall, Blackman, Bland, Bluette, Boggus, Bolton, Bradford, Bradstreet, Brand, Brooks, Brown, Bucknam, Bugby, Chambers, Charles, Clapp, Clarke, Coddington, Colborne, Cole, Colson, Cotton, Coulter, Cowlishaw, Crabb, Cradock, Cromwell, Dexter, Dillingham, Downing, Drake, Dudley, Eliot, Elizabeth, Endicott, Feake, Felt, Fiennes, Ford, Franklin, Freeman, Frobisher, Fuller, Gager, Gardiner, Garrett, Gibbs, Gifforth, Gilbert, Glover, Goffe, Gorges, Gosnold, Hall, Harcourt, Harding, Harris, Hawthorne, Higginson, Hildersham, Hooker, Hough, Huggins, Humphrey, Huntington, Hutschinson, James, Johnson, Jones, King, Kirk, Laud, Lincoln, Lockwood, Lothrop, Ludlow, Marrett, Mary, Masters, Mather, Maverick, Mayhew, Miasconomo, Milburne, Nicolls, Norton, Nowell, Palfrey, Palsgrave, Parker, Patrick, Pease, Peirse, Pelham, Peter, Phillips, Phipps, Plaistow, Pollard, Popham, Prence, Prince, Pring, Pynchon, Quick, Rainsborough, Raleigh, Reade, Revell, Roe, Rose-Troup, Rossiter, Rouse, Saltonstall, Sanford, Saxton, Seely, Sergeant, Sharp, Skelton, Smith, Standish, Stilson, Stone, Stoughton, Thompson, Turner, Tyndale, Underhill, Vassall, Walford, Wall, Warham, Warr, Webb, West, Weymouth, Whale, Wheelwright, White, Whitridge, Wight, Williams, Wilson, Winthrop, Wright.
Not included in the index are names from the Lists of Passengers, which are found elsewhere in the text.
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Beers, J.H., & Co.: Commemorative Biographical Record of Dutchess County (NY), 1897, 950 pages.
See and/or order this title at Higginson Book Company:
Huntington, Elijah Baldwin: History of Stamford, Connecticut, from its settlement in 1641, incl. Darien until 1820, 1848, 576 pages.
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Jacobus, Donald Lines: History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield with Additions and Corrections from The American Genealogist, 2 volumes in 3, published 1930-1932, 1943, reprinted 1991, 2,051 pages.
Covers the time period from the 1630's to the early 1800's.
See and/or order this title at See and/or order this title at Genealogical Publishing Company:
Knapp, Dr. Alfred Averill: Nicholas Knapp Genealogy, 1953, 900 pages.
Although known to contain many errors, this is one of the most quoted and comprehensive books on Nicholas Knapp descendents.
See and/or order this title at Higginson Book Company:
Mead, Spencer P.: Abstract of Probate Records at Fairfield, County of Fairfield (CT), 1648-1750, 1929, 363 pages.
See and/or order this title at Higginson Book Company:
New England Historic Genealogical Society & Gary Boyd Roberts: Genealogies of Connecticut Families from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register in Three Volumes.
Surnames included: Adams, Alden, Allen, Ames, Andrews, Austin, Avery, Bailey, Bailey, Baldwin, Ball, Barnard, Barnes, Bartlett, Beach, Bellamy, Benton, Bidwell, Billings, Bingham, Blakesley, Blachley, Blatchley, Blinman, Blunt, Bracy, Bradford, Bradley, Brewster, Bristol, Bristow, Brooks, Brown, Browne, Bruen, Bunnill, Burbank, Bergis, Burr, Bush, Bushnells, Caldwell, Camfield, Campbell, Carter, Carver, Case, Cass, Chalker, Champion, Chandler, Chatfield, Chedsey, Chidsey, Chester, Church, Churchill, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clinton, Coates, Cobb, Coley, Collins, Cooke, Copley, Copp, Cornwall, Crane, Crary, Cruttenden, Curtiss, Cushman, Cushman, Darwin, Davenport, Delano, Deming, Denison, Dennison, Denslow, De Wolfe, Dickens, Diggins, Dixwell, Doolittle, Douglas, Dudley, Dunck, Dunning, Eldredge, Ellery, Ely, Evarts, Everest, Everett, Fales, Farnham, Ferns, Fillmore, Fisher, Fitch, Flower, Foote, Fowler, Frazee, French, Frisbie, Gager, Gaines, Gates,Geer, Gilbert, Gillet, Gillett, Goffe, Gorham, Granger, Grant, Grave, Graves, Gray, Green, Griffin, Griswold, Haddam, Hale, Hall, Hand, Hanford, Harrison, Haughton, Hayes, Hawley, Herbert, Hibbard, Highland, Hiland, Hill, Hobson, Hodgkin, Hodgkins, Hoisington, Holloway, Hopkins, Hopson, Hotchkiss, Hubbard, Hughes, Huntington, Huntley, Jackson, Jagger, Jagger, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kellogg, Kellogg, Kent, Kimberly, King, Kingsley, Kirkham, Kirkland, Kirtland, Knowlton, Lambert, Lamberton, Larkham, Lay, Leavens, Leavenworth, Lee, Lellock, Lincoln, Lindley, Lockwood, Loomis, Lucas, Luddington, Macock, Mallory, Maltbie, Maltby, Mansfield, Marcy, Marvin, Mason, Mayo, McKean, McLouds, Meigs, Molby, Monson, Morley, Morris, Morse, Moseley, Mulford, Munger, Munroe, Munsell, Munson, Murray, Needham, Newton, Nichols, Northrup, Norton, Olmstead, Owen, Painter, Palmer, Parish, Parmelee, Payn, Paines, Parker, Payne, Pease, Peck, Penfield, Pennington, Pennoyer, Percival, Perkins, Peter, Pierpont, Pierson, Plumbe, Pomeroy, Porter, Post, Potter, Prescott, Prodden, Punchard, Quintard, Raymond, Read, Reade, Remington, Richardson, Rising, Risley, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rossiter, Royce, Russell, Sacket, Sage, Savage, Seward, Seymour, Sheather, Sheldon, Shepard, Skinner, Slate, Smith, Spaulding, Spencer, Spinning, Standish, Stanton, Starr, Stedman, Steevens, Stephens, Stevens, Stocking, Stokes, Street, Taintor, Taylor, Thompson, Thorpe, Todd, Townshend, Tracy, Tully, Vassall, Wales, Walstone, Ward, Warner, Waterbury, Waterhouse, Waterman, Watrous, Webb, Wells, Wheelock, Whitehead, Wilcox, Williams, Wilmot, Witter, Wolcott, Wolcott, Woodbridge, Woodbridge, Woodward, Woodworth, Wooster, Wright, Wyatt, Wyllys.
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Winthrop's Boston Rutman, Darrett Bruce: Winthrop's Boston: A Portrait of a Puritan Town, 1630-1649, 1965, 324 pages.
On p. 52 of Winthrop's Boston, by Darrett Rutman, there is a passage regarding the exorbitant rates charged by some people for services and merchandise, and a discussion of how not everyone worked for the public good. The following is quoted from that page: "one Nicholas Knopp would appear before the magistrates charged with promising to cure scurvy with 'a water of noe worth nor value, which he sold att a very deare rate.'" --Peter Rogerson
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Torrey, Clarence Almon: New England Marriages Prior to 1700.
A listing of the 37,000 married couples who lived in New England between 1620 and 1700.
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  • bookHardcover, 6th printing with an updated introduction, 1997's Genealogy category

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